*Forget Your Lunchbox, But Don’t Forget Your Umbrella.【A Famous Saying in Kanazawa】

  • 2018-03-05
  • 2023-10-17
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Forget Your Lunchbox, But Don’t Forget Your Umbrella: A Famous Saying in Kanazawa

The saying “Forget Your Lunchbox, But Don’t Forget Your Umbrella” refers to the weather in Kanazawa, highlighting its frequent rainfalls.

From January to February in 2018, Kanazawa experienced heavy snowfall. However, even afterwards, clear weather was elusive, and just a slight oversight could result in getting drenched by sudden showers.

Upon investigation, if we were to create a ranking of annual precipitation by prefecture, Ishikawa always ranks within the top five, indicating its consistent rainfall.

However, this ranking focuses on total precipitation and doesn’t specifically indicate the frequency of rainy days in Kanazawa. Upon further research on the frequency of rainy days, Ishikawa ranks number one in the nation.

According to the Statistics Bureau of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications’ “Statistical Overview of Prefectures,” there were instances where more than half of the year’s 365 days experienced rain.

Given that Kanazawa ranks first in the number of rainy days and is among the top in total precipitation, it’s quite probable that forgetting one’s umbrella in the city would result in getting drenched. This makes the saying “Forget Your Lunchbox, But Don’t Forget Your Umbrella” deeply resonant and practical.

Ishikawa Has the Most Thunderstorms in Japan

One of the most surprising aspects of Kanazawa for visitors from other prefectures is the frequency of thunderstorms. For those living in Kanazawa, it becomes commonplace, but no other region experiences thunderstorms this often. Ishikawa ranks first in the number of thunderstorm days nationwide.

In Kanazawa, between November and February, one can experience quite intense thunderstorms. These are often said to be precursors to snowfall. The thunderstorm in January 2018 was so powerful that it disrupted broadcasts from two television stations.

A popular tourist destination in Kanazawa is the Oyama Shrine, which likely features in many visitors’ itineraries. At the top of the shrine’s stained-glass Shinto gate stands a lightning rod. In fact, this rod is the oldest existing lightning rod in Japan.



Continuous rain can sometimes dampen our spirits. However, perhaps it also allows us to appreciate sunny days even more.
Furthermore, the frequent rainy days are believed to foster a resilient spirit, and the humidity is said to be the source of beautiful skin.

Thinking of the advantages of rain might uplift our mood a bit, but undoubtedly, getting drenched in the rain can evoke only displeasure.

Living in Kanazawa, even if we forget our lunchbox, we must always remember not to forget our umbrella.
